SGR Train Stations

SGR Train Stations


SGR stations from Nairobi to Mombasa

SGR as it is commonly known is a short form for Standard Gauge Railway.

This is a project of the government of Kenya with support from the Chinese government.

The first phase which commenced operations in the year 2018 stretches from Mombasa to Nairobi.

The modern infrastructure consists of 8 SGR stations from Nairobi to Mombasa.

The rail line will extend to Naivasha and finally to Kisumu.

1. Nairobi Terminus

Assuming you are traveling from Nairobi to Mombasa, Nairobi is the first out of the 8 SGR stations from Nairobi to Mombasa where the train makes scheduled stop overs.

2. Athi River Railway Station

The second Station is Athi River out of the 8 SGR stations from Nairobi to Mombasa, approximately 20 Kilometers from the Nairobi terminus.

It serves the vibrant and busy but dusty township of Athi river.

Athi river town borrow its name from the famous second big

3. Emali Railway Station

The third Station out of the 8 SGR stations from Nairobi to Mombasa is Emali. It is relatively small and serves email town.

4. Mtito Andei Railway Station

The fourth is out of the 8 SGR stations from Nairobi to Mombasa Mtito Andei.

Mtito Andei is a town in Makueni County. The small town is located along Nairobi Mombasa highway, approximately 230km from Nairobi and 170km.

We can say it is midway of the journey using the new SGR.

5. Voi Railway Station

Voi is a growing town. It is the largest town in Taita-Taveta County and is becoming an increasingly important commercial center.

It lies at the edge of the famous Tsavo Park. Voi Railway Station is the fifth of the 8 SGR stations from Nairobi to Mombasa

6. Miasenyi Station

The Miasenyi station is the sixth of the 8 SGR stations from Nairobi to Mombasa before you get to Mariakani.

The design of Miasenyi station closely bear a resemblance to zebra stripes a signatures beauty in the wild within the area where zebras are rampant.

7. Mariakani Station

Mariakani is the last station before you get to Mombasa Station.

It serves a relatively small town of Mariakani which is a town lying on the boundary of Kaloleni and Kinango districts.

When you are traveling with SGR, Mariakani give you hope that you have finally reached the cost as you will start to see the characteristic long coconut trees.

8. Mombasa Terminus

Finally, we have Mombasa Station.

The second largest after Nairobi of all SGR stations from Nairobi to Mombasa. I

t is built as concentric circles and a central tower, representing a ripple in the ocean.

It welcomes you to the beautiful coastal feeling with Swahili hospitality.